Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Settling in...

Alright, so all my stuff is here, moved in, I moved some of my stuff back to my dad's because it doesn't fit. Overall, it's a tight squeeze, but everything I need is here. I'm not sure I will be able to get my couch back out of the apartment, but whatever. The move was not so smooth - my movers (Frisbie Moving in Ann Arbor/Detroit - boo) have damaged some of my stuff - nothing ridiculous, but my headboard/footboard have been damaged, along with my bed frame. And my old TV is also worse for the wear, but everything is still usable. But it was super annoying, and as usual, they are making it as hard as possible to make insurance claims - taking 2 weeks to send me the forms!

It's been pretty hot and humid here, and I don't have an air conditioner in yet, b/c my windows are being replaced next week - which is almost 2 weeks later than what I was originally told. I figure I'd wait until the new windows are in. So, I have two fans going at all times in the apt. And I'm at two showers a day. I try to find places with a/c to pass the time, so I've seen a bunch of movies recently. Here are my reviews:

Knocked Up: A-. Izzy isn't as annoying as she is on Grey's, and Seth Rozen (the dude from 40 Year Old Virgin) is hilarious, as is Paul Rudd. I'm pretty excited for Super Bad too.

Die Hard: B-. Pretty good action, Bruce is still awesome at 50, but the ending is super cheesy and really obnoxious.

Transformers: Solid A. I really liked it - the action and special effects are great. Great movie, it's a bit long, but you don't feel like it.

No Reservations: B. A pretty good rom com, there's no real conflict in the movie, so its pretty harmless. Supposedly, the restaurant where Catherine Zeta-Jones is the exec chef is on Bleeker and Charles - down the block from me! Oh, and Aaron Eckhardt is hot.

I've also read the new and last Harry Potter - I'd say this is probably the best book since book 3. It's long, but goes fast, as usual. I won't say anymore in case some of you have not read it and are planning too.

I've gone to Bed, Bath and Beyond a lot the past two weeks. Thank god my mom sent me all of her 20% off coupons. They really need a Target in the city - I know there's one in Brooklyn, right off the 4/5 subway stop, but really, who wants to go all the way out there? I still need some things, like a small filing cabinet to put some papers in. Shelves, hooks, and other ways to create more storage space - I should go to Home Depot.

Anyways, I start work in a week - August 7 - I got my training schedules for the week (Tues - Fri). Apparently, there are lessons for Excel and Powerpoint. Awesome, I'm glad I spent the past two years in bschool for this. But I'm excited for my first paycheck - which probably will not be until the end of August - kill me. Being poor in NYC is no fun. NO FUN I TELL YOU.

Well, sorry for the boring update, but I haven't really been doing anything fun except deal with apartment stuff for the past two weeks. It's really a big hassle. Moving sucks. I'm sure I'll have more exciting updates after I start working. We can chat about the ins and outs of business casual attire.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

NYC Apartment!

I have finally done it! I have found an apartment in the neighborhood I want, in the budget range I want! Well. Let's be honest. I'm paying my max amount possible for a small studio in the West Village. Small as in, it's barely 9 feet wide, but it's very long with a brand new kitchen and bathroom. My kitchen has granite counter tops and comes with a microwave. Nice! And its a ground floor apartment, which I am not in love with, but I am having bars put on them, so it's safer. And an easy move in. I signed the lease this week and get the keys before the weekend! My lease starts on July 15 which is perfect since my movers are schedule for the 16-21st. So my apartment seems to be almost done. I still need to put in shelfs and curtains, etc, but that should be fun and good since I don't start work until Aug 7. So I have plenty of time. woo hoo! Here are some pictures for your amusement at my living situation.

Besides that, it has been great to be back in NYC. It has been super hot this past week - mid 90s and humid. that's made for a super sweaty Wendy stomping all over the city. Pretty gross. Dewy, I like to call it - that sheen of sweat that has been constantly covering me all week.

Anyways, that's the update for now!